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Seven Special Tips for Taking Care of Cane Corso Puppies

Posted on 02 Feb 2022

The Cane Corso breed is a large breed of dog in the Mastiff family, however, they are more athletic, agile, and faster than their larger Mastiff breed members. They have more energy and a greater sense of adventure, too. Cane Corsos have a need for regular exercise to get their energy out, but even more than that, Cane Corsos need to be socialized and trained as puppies in order to be well-behaved adult dogs. This breed also has a very strong desire to spend time with its family. These dogs are very dedicated to their owner and family members, and if they feel neglected or are left alone too much or too long, they can be destructive. If you are considering adding a Cane Corso pup to your family, you can learn tips from experts on the breed, in how to care for them. Here are seven special tips for taking care of a Cane Corso puppy.

1. Set boundaries

Behavior is learned, and just like with a child, a puppy needs boundaries set for him in order to teach them how to behave. Starting at a very young age, boundaries should be set to show your puppy what is expected of him. There isn’t anything more frustrating than to have a dog that is out of control, especially a big dog. Simple tasks like walking your dog on a leash can be a miserable experience if your dog does not understand that you are the one in control. Because dogs do best when in the same routine, making rules like making your dog sit and be calm while you attach the leash, then letting you lead him out the door is better than having to put a leash on an overly excited dog, then having him leap through the doorway with you having to run to catch up. As soon as he thinks he’s the boss, getting him to revert his thinking is harder than to train him to understand it from the beginning.

2. Crate train

Crate training is the best way to get your dog house broken, as well as it teaches your puppy where he is allowed to be in the house. It helps to set the tone for what is expected of him. Many people think crates are cruel to pen your puppy in, however, it is just the opposite, according to dog experts. Crates are similar to dens, which dogs in the wild environment, prefer. They feel protected in a den; safe and secure. Crates offer your puppy the same security, plus they give you a teaching tool. Puppies that allowed to roam freely in the house become destructive with chewing as well as they will feel they can relieve themselves whenever and wherever they are, which becomes a hard habit to break.

3. Squash separation anxiety

Hearing a puppy cry is hard for some people to hear. The first reaction for many people with a new puppy is to cater to his whining and crying by turning around to tend to him, or talk baby talk as they pet him. They instantly think their puppy is sad and missing them, however, the truth is, puppies are not necessarily crying for any other reason but to learn to control their owner. The more a puppy is catered to every time he cries or whines, all that is happening is he is learning to control you. This also can create a needy dog, and one with separation anxiety. Squash the behavior by realizing that it is ok for him to whine and cry in his crate and to cater to him when he does, is instilling unwanted behaviors that can get worse as he grows into adulthood.

4. Socialize, socialize, socialize

Puppies need socialization in order to grow into healthy, happy and well-behaved adults. Think about all the situations and types of people you plan for your dog to have to be around and encounter in his life. Socializing your puppy to these environments, people and situations starting young, will help him to be able to handle them all through his life. If you want your dog to be good around children, other pets, elderly people, whatever the situation may be, the more he is around it and exposed as a puppy, the more used to it he will be as an adult and better behaved. The last thing you want is a large, grown dog who is aggressive towards children simply because he was never exposed to children until he was older, and now he doesn’t know how to behave around them. Socialize your puppy to all kinds of different environments and situations as often as you can.

5. Feed him right

Starting at a young age, your Cane Corso needs a healthy diet. Ask your breeder what type of diet they have your puppy on and try to follow their recommended diet. If you wind up changing brands of dog food as you have him in his new home, it should be done gradually over several days to a week, gradually mixing in his new brand of food with what he was used to being fed. Whatever brand of food you choose, his diet should always a healthy diet that caters to his digestive needs. Never use food as a training tool, it can be a negative enforcer and you will want to be careful how you use it.

6. Playtime

Your Cane Corso will be an active dog that likes to run, play and use his mind. Start at a young age, developing playtime with your dog so that he knows what to expect and begins to realize that playtime is when he gets his energy out. Regular exercise throughout your Cane Corso’s life is important to keeping him happy, healthy and better behaved.

7. How to discipline

Puppies can be frustrating; training and constant care. There will be plenty of mistakes on your puppy’s behalf as he learns how to be a good dog. When your puppy makes a mistake, it is important that you do not scold or discipline your puppy when you are mad. Scolding out of anger shows your dog emotion that can cause him to become aggressive. Calm commands and discipline will help him to remain calm, and to understand what he did wrong.

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